Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Prayer, Study, Action!!

Before you watch this video I want to warn us all to watch this video in PRAYER, and as you listen be very attentive and intentional because this video gives Christians a huge challenge to truly begin to PRAY and depend upon our Lord, STUDY the Word of God so that we can stand on firm ground against all things that are wrong, sinful, and against God's glory, and ACTION- we must begin to take action again first through prayer by pleading for all to see God's truth on unbiblical stances, and that we would live active lives that display God's truth and goodness and also in love and kindness. Also Pray for President Obama, he needs our prayers and not our insults!

President Obama raises some concerns that unfortunately for many Christians would ring true, and that is the fact that they are not reading their Bibles and they are not able to defend their case with good solid eveidence along with kindness, gentleness, and love. Obama also brings up some thoughts on Church and State issues and how when it comes down to it it really is quite hard to nail down truth and laws in America where it has become post-christian, pluralist, and very liberal. Everyone today is calling for everyone to be tolerant, well actually it seems as if they are always asking Christians to be tolerant, but yet they are never tolerant to our ideas and beleifs. Well, that is because there is no such thing as universal tolerance because someone always disagrees with another, and especially as Christians, we must disagree at times. We must stand on the Word of God and seek for justice, truth, and mercy to be heard and to be brought about. The sad truth is that recently we have been fighting and trying to stand firm on issues that are wrong in regards to the Bible, and we are doing for the sake of the world. It is for all of our good to not allow same-sex marraige, to not allow abortions, to not allow stem cell research. But it is because of sin and its deep affects on all of us until we are redeemed from Christ into faith and repentance that keeps us from seeing the goodness in God's truth. So, until the day that all believe and see God's truth as beautiful, and trust in Christ for all things finding complete joy in Him alone, we must PRAY, STUDY, and ACT!

1 comment:

Deena Burns said...

hi guys,
this was a very touching piece on how the world and our government are responding to these very important issues. its so sad that the people around us are so blinded to the truth. we do need actions not just words. so lets get out there educate these people.

love ya mom