Thursday, March 12, 2009

How to combat Abortion Gently

As this years Election came around I was faced with many questions on how I would vote on the many propositions as well as who I would vote for President. It is a large task to think through all of the political jargon and props that are set before us each election year, as well as trying to get to know the new candidates for Presidency in a matter of about 3 to 6 months. This year, even above others in the past, seemed to be at a higher level of intensity. There were so many ideas that were thrown in our faces such as same-sex marraige and tolerance.America had the choice of either having its first African American President or having its first Women Vice President. Life as we know in America was going to change no matter what we chose. It was inevitable, and it all came so fast. Not to mention the controversial issues such as Abortion, stem cell research, and billion dollar bailouts along with the bad economy all coming to the forefront all at once to Americans. I mean what a task.

I was overwhelmed at times trying to learn as much as I could in order to make wise choices. When it came to choosing which President I would elect it was not so much of why I would choose the candidate that I chose, but rather why I would never choose particular candidates that are running. It also has nothing to do with the ethnicity or gender of a particular candidate for we are all created in God's image and I see all in light of this truth. But rather my choice came down to one issue this year, ABORTION! I can never vote for someone who will willingly and deliberately be in support of killing innocent people who have no voice for themselves to cry out and ask for help. God gives and God takes away, alone! For man to jump in and begin to take lives is a very serious issue and sin, and its implication run deep into all of society around the world. So, how do we as Christians, or as people created by God combat this ethical question?

We fight by learning the facts and truths about abortion, the effects of abortion, the truths and verses inside of scripture, and we kindly and gently with all wisdom present our case without backing down as we plead and fight for those little innocent beautiful little boys and girls who have no voice! When people want to continue to fight for the rights of the women who will have these babies, I say we continue to fight for the women who are still inside of the womb who have no voice to even be heard, but are still beautiful little baby girls.

I mean think about it, if you were aborted when you were only 8 weeks old in your mother's womb, would you still be alive today? NO! Would you have lived to be 8 weeks old out of your mother's womb? NO! You would have had no voice, and you would have never even gotten the chance to live outside of the womb, and you would not be here today talking. We must fight for justice in this matter on ABORTION just as many before us like William Wilberforce, Martin Luther King Jr., and the Prophets, kings and Judges in the Old Testament fought for justice even when it was the minority voice. They fought even when it meant that they could be persecuted, or hurt, or ignored, or beaten, they fought because it was unjust in God's eyes. Let's stand together like this 12 year old girl and let's raise our voices and seek justice to show God's glory!

Most importantly, to combat Abortion gently and effectively we must be in prayer. We must depend upon our Sovereign Heavenly Father who is in control of all things and does all things for His Glory! So, let us lift up our hearts and cries to the Lord to end abortion and to allow everyone to see the beauty of life and to value people no matter how big or small, no matter how developed they are, and no matter how loud they can cry for help or not. Please God change America's hearts and minds to see you and to see the truth about life! Grant them eyes and ears to see what they are doing, and help us all to make much of You!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
