"He that spared not his son Son, . . . how shall he not with him also freely give us all things?" Rom.8:32
I woke this morning feeling a desperate need to be in the word. I wish I woke up this way every morning because every time I do I become so filled and it brings a great joy to my day. Fortunately when I got to school, (I was blessed to have a sub job 4 days this week at Woodcrest) I had some time to read. I open up my Susannah Spurgeon devotion and her words once again brought great clarity and peace.
We have been feeling not quite discomforted, but I guess you can say confused, just not knowing what God wants for us at this time in our lives. We are so desperately desiring to follow in His way. It seems like every time a door opens for new opportunities it always slams shut, so we are left confused.
Susannah's words this morning said:
"Rejoice, my soul, that Christ and 'the things of Christ' cannot be divided. . . having Him you have all else. There is not a need or desire of your inner life which cannot be triumphantly met by faith's unwavering challenge, 'How shall he not?' Nor is there a necessity of your temporal state which cannot equally claim the blessing of processing 'all things' in Christ."
So many families and people are currently left in a state of despair and hopelessness because of the economic situation. People are doing crazy things and it's saddening. Though Brandon and I, along with friends and some close family members might not love the place we are in or are in a place where the future is so unknown, we have a great peace knowing that we have "all things" with Christ, He is sufficient. We are so undeserving to have this assurance. I am so thankful. It puts everything in such a new perspective, and brings joy. I use Susannah's words for my prayer this morning:
"Lord, quicken my faith, give me to see how deep and wide, and full and free, is the unspeakable love which spared not your own Son, and therefore can spare every other gift, to me, your undeserving child! I thank you that it is not 'way over Jordan, Lord' that I must go to 'ring these charming bells'; but here, now, in the sanctuary of my heart, and all day long in the open cloisters of my daily life, I may make your glad music resound to your glory, and my own exceeding happiness."
I pray her words bring peace and joy to your day also, whatever situation you may be in, remember he is always faithful. What an amazing God we serve.
Use Your Body in the Fight for Joy
2 hours ago
It is so true! In my Theology class we have been covering the different attributes of God. Today was Love! Our God is Love. He is so many other things in including faithful and you are right that we can rest in His peace if we choose to! I am glad you chose to do that today...I am choosing the same!
We are continuing to pray with you about your future! Love you :)
What a great reminder! God did not spare his own Son -- this proves his love in such a tangible way. I pray that my heart would be in that place of thankfulness for all he has done for us. I am praying for you guys, and am glad that you've got to come to WCS this week. :)
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