Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Special Friend, Special Gifts

I am truly blessed with the most amazing girlfriends. I love how each of them have their own wonderful and unique qualities, and each of them bring something different and special to my life.

Jennae blesses me in more ways than one, two, three, or five! We met while serving the junior high group at our church in Clovis in 2004. Since then, even through me moving away, the Lord continues to draw us closer together as friends and sisters. One of the many gifts the Lord has blessed her with is gift giving. Every gift I receive from Jennae has meaning and purpose behind it. Her most recent gifts took the cake.

For my birthday (in September) she gave me 2 things. One was a journal where she wrote the sweetest message to Baby Burns, love Auntie Jennae. The second was a CD full of worship songs. They both were such an incredible blessing, and the Lord sure used them. While I was pregnant, I was so sick that I struggled reading in general, but I was really struggling with my bible reading, and I shared that with her. So she gave me the CD so I could relax and enjoy songs about the Lord while worshiping Him. The journal was so I could record all the events and emotions and thoughts throughout the pregnancy, and that I did.

(photo taken in Forest Falls)

What was really amazing was the way these gifts were used during and after the miscarriage.

I was SO thankful for both. When everything was happening and we could do nothing but cry, the CD brought great peace. One amazing song really hit me. It says, "He gives and takes away, for He knows what's good for us." The Lord knew how we need to grow through this experience, and I know He will will continue to show us His plans for this in the future.

The journal served as a great healing factor. It was really great to be able to write down all my thoughts from the beginning of the pregnancy to the end. I will cherish this journal forever. This baby will always be our first child, and I am thankful that I have these memories.

My dearest friend and sister, I can not thank you enough for all your love, care, prayers, and support. The Lord is using you mightily in my life and many others. I wish we lived closer, but even through distance you continue to be one of my closest friends. You are such a calming factor in my life. Thank you for always being a beautiful example of a woman of God. I love you!


Anonymous said...

Love this! I am a life she has blessed as well :) She gives amazing gifts & is one herself from the Lord!

Brendon and Staci said...

I'm also thankful for Jennae! I've only met her a couple times but she was so fun and encouraging to be around. I'm thankful for how much she loves you Andrea and what an amazing friend she is to you :)

Anonymous said...

Oh my friend. You've left me speechless! I cannot begin to say what an incredible blessing you are to me. Thank you, as always, for your encouraging words and unfailing love. You are my gift! I am so thankful for the things God has shown me about Himself through your life and example - and marriage, and motherhood. I know Him better through knowing you. I love you dear sister!

Cori and Staci, I love you as well and thank you for your encouragement! Staci, I feel like we've been friends all these years through Andrea :) Each of you women are remarkable, serving the Lord as only you were created to, and it gives me so much joy to know you and live life with you!
