Thursday, August 19, 2010

The Philippines :: Boracay

At the end of our trip we were able to rest up from the busy week for a couple nights at the amazing and beautiful Boracay island!!
Brandon and I have never been to an island like this, so it was really exciting for us!

On our way!!

Our room with the neat towel display!
When we walked out of our hotel and around the corner this is what we saw! Amazing!
This was built everyday.
The beautiful white sand and clear blue water!! And it felt amazing!
It was officially perfect when we found the Starbucks, and, right on the beach!
Brandon and I enjoyed an amazing walk along this beach our first morning there, and with Starbucks of course!
And then off to snorkeling!
We went to 2 different snorkeling sights. Brandon had been a couple times before but this was my first!
It was perfect conditions!
We're ready to go!
Our favorite thing we found was a Nemo fish! It was exactly as the movie portrayed!

We took a little boat around the whole island!

The mango shakes were the best in the world in Boracay! Thanks Jonas shakes!
Leaving Boracay . . . a bitter-sweet feeling for us Burns' cause we got BURNT!!
That snorkeling got us good! Man the sun there is strong! We applied sun screen twice before 10am and this is what we get!!
It took a good 3 weeks until our backs we fully healed! It was quite an awful, long plane flight back!

These were the neat boats called bonkas.
We saw some amazing views on our way home.
This is the top part of the island!

I was just playing with our camera here, but I thought it was a cool shot :)

We had an amazing time, and it was so neat to see the beautiful island that our Lord created! We would love to go back there too! (But this time with more powerful sunscreen!)
"O Lord, our Lord,
how majestic is your name in all the earth!"
Psalm 8:1


Nomads said...

Cool pictures! What a blast. Your backs were really bad though! Bet you are glad that is over with. Miss you guys like crazy :)

Tiffany said...

Oh my goodness! That burn looks bad, but the island looks beautiful!!

Brendon and Staci said...

Great Pictures! It was so nice to be able to visualize your trip. We're excited to see what the future holds for you guys in this part of the world.