This is Andrea here! Well we made it! After almost a full 48 hours of traveling we are here and really enjoying everything thus far. We are staying with an M family here. Their home is very comfortable. We know most of out trip will not be as luxurious as this so we are enjoying it as while we can! We will be here until Sunday afternoon (which is tomorrow for us) and then we head to the camp, which will be about a 4 hour drive, for 3 days. We will then stay in that city after the camp for a few extra days and work with a church there and then we will be back to this city and work with some local churches!
So, besides our taxi driver almost running over a motorcyclists on our way to the house last night, :) the reality that I was in this country hit me. I fell asleep at 8:30pm and did not wake up until 8am this morning which was wonderful, but I woke at 4:30am to The Call to Prayer from the mosque right behind the home we are staying in. I felt a mixed of emotions. I was first scared because it startled me, but then I got excited because I recognized what it was, and then I was saddened because I realized that, The Call to Prayer 5 times a day is a reality here and not just a made up exercise during ISP training weekend. We have heard it throughout the day and I expect to hear it again early this morning. It was just a huge culture shock for me; it is very loud and extremely recognizable. Please be praying for these people, that walls would be broken and that they may see the Truth.
Today has been a relaxing day where we have been able to rest and fellowship with one another. Brandon and I are feeling very blessed to be able to experience this with one another!
Hope to update again soon! Love you all!
Hello there Family and Friends!! We miss you (Brandon Here)
Well we arrived here just fine and dandy except for the fact that I couldn't keep my eyes open for anything, so when I got to the bedroom I literally laid down and was already sleeping when I hit the bed. But I am great now, and this morning spent some amazing time with the Lord in His word and in prayer, and I was fully awake and rested. But, what I realized this morning was that I had been so focused at home about getting married soon and working hard that I had partially forgotten about this trip, and I had lost a bit of my zealous relationship with my Father in Heaven. The plane ride over here was when I first began to realize this, and then again like i said this morning really brought my attention back to communion with the Lord. I feel like I am now ready to be here and to be apart of what God is doing here, and to be a huge help for the Church here as well as my team, and Andrea. Our goal as a team is to love on our family here, the Church, and to jump into the culture head on to try and do everything they would do in order that we might win some to Christ! In any case, Andrea and I have realized how blessed we are to be able to be on a trip like this togbether. We are learning how to encourage one another, build each other up, pray for one another, and work as a team, and we are learning to trust in God for our future as we are here and we don't quite know what we are exactly doing when we get back.
So, with all that in mind, thank you for partnering with us on this trip, and please pray for our team, our family here, the people here that God would grant them His grace and mercy, and pray for God to guide Andrea and I in our life!! Thank you and we miss you, but we also love being here and doing what were doing so we don't miss you too much! lol jk
In Christ, Love Brandon
God Forms Us Through Failure
16 hours ago
I am so thankful that you made it there safely and are doing well! I will continue to pray for you both! Love you. Blake and Chase say hi!
So happy to hear you are there safe and sound. We just celebated the 4th of July. David and Diana were at Aunt Joyce's , so I went there for a little while. We are all fine here, just missing you! Do good work, then come home soon! Lots of prayers for your whole team and the people there.
Love Mama Boo
Glad to hear that your trip is going well so far. :) Praying for you!
Hi kids! I am soo glad that you arrived safely! Jordan and I are praying for you and will continue to during this exciting time in your lives. I love you and miss you both very much.
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