Hello All!
Well it looks like this is going to be our last update before we leave. Since we had such a long update yesterday, we thought we would post some pictures today! So enjoy!

This is Brandon and Bryce with some of the fun fruit drinks we have all enjoyed during our trip! Bryce is drinking Orange juice, although it tastes different, and I am drinking an Avocado drink, it is so tasty. I know it sounds gross, but it is awesome and sweet!! No, it does not go on Tacos or chips here on the other side of the world!!

Here is me at the Steamboat Restaurant. This was a fun meal where your food was cooked right in front of you in this steamboat!

Here is Brandon and I at an old Palace here.

This is a picture of the Seminary that Dr. Borger teaches at!

Here are Brandon and I on cloud 9...literally!! hahaha

These are some pictures of a beautiful mountain that Dr. Borger took us up in Salitiga.
Unfortunately when we got to the top we were in the middle of a huge cloud so we could not see the view of the valley but it was still gorgeous!

This picture was from about half way down the mountain.

This is Brandon at the Coffee Plantation in Salitiga. When cut slits in the trees white rubber comes oozing out!!

here are a couple women that Becca, Yta, and I got to talk with at one of the beaches.

here is the team and brandon and I at one of the beautiful beaches at the Indian Ocean!

This is Becca and I with our favorite translators! Yta is in the blue and she is the one who stayed with me in the hotel when I was sick, and Nana is in the maroon! We love you girls and will miss you so much!!

This is one of the youth boys that looks just like Blake! His manerisms and everything reminded us of you bud, so we thought we would take a pic to show you!!

These were a couple of the kindergarten girls at thwe VBS who kinds attached to me.

This is Brandon with their pastor's son in Cirebon. We all fell in love with him! (Please excuse his pants :))

These are some of the youth girls at the church in Cirebon.

Here is me and Brandon at the hospital. Don't I look pretty! lol

The day I got back from the hospital, feeling and looking better!!
Sorry we could not post more but here is just a brief look at some of the places we have been to.
Please keep us in prayer as we travel back to the states on Thursday.
We love you all and can not wait to see you!
Thank you for all your prayers and support along this journey!
In His Service,
Brandon and Andrea
It was great to see some photos of you guys! Can't wait to see you in person...just a few more days! Love you both!
What an awesome trip and experience. It was great to hear how the Lord was working in and through you. We are excited to see what God has in store for you as you are so willing to serve Him. Love & Hugs, Christine
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