We are in a situation of loss that we were really hoping we wouldn't be in again. But, we are here now, 14 months later, and learning to deal with another miscarriage all over again.
This second time has been different from the first for many reasons. One is that we were more fearful, and therefore had a harder time getting excited about the pregnancy. Brandon and I experienced the most differences here. Because my body was changing and I was feeling sick and so forth, it was a little easier for me to get excited. Brandon really struggled though because he obviously couldn't feel those things and was trying to protect us emotionally. Secondly, we tried to seek affirmation early on in the pregnancy. We were very anxious to see the baby growing a heart beat and probably spent more time in the doctor's office than we should, but God used that, and I will share about that later. Third, the baby only grew to about 6-7 weeks (last time it grew to 9 weeks). And fourth, because of the third reason and because we, again, found out ahead of time that the pregnancy was turning into a miscarriage, we decide to allow things to pass naturally instead of having a procedure. This turned in to being quite a different experience.
Thankfully, though, a huge similarity is that God has again protected us, sustained us, and has and we know will continue to carry us through this loss. Because of all that we've learned and will continue to learn, we would like to share this journey with you--whomever you may be. We pray that God will use this experience to strengthen your faith as He has done to ours, or maybe show you that He is real and powerful and worth following, and also show that how leaning on others is such a huge help in dealing with emotional and physical pain.
So stay tuned, we have a lot to share . . .
" The Lord is my strength and my shield; in Him my heart trusts and I am helped; my heart exults, and with my song I give thanks to Him." Psalm 28:7
If No One Seeks God, How Is Anyone Saved?
19 hours ago
Oh Andrea. I weep with you for your loss. Rejoice with you in the sure knowledge of God`s love. And am inspired by your faith. Sending loving thoughts and prayers your way.
Love you guys! our hearts are breaking for you. Dans sister lossed her baby, spent lots of hours on the phone with her. We are here for you guys however we can. We will be praying and look forward to the next time we see you.
Hugs and kisses,
Dan and Megan
So sorry! Once is awful, but twice is devastating. I will be praying for you and Brandon: for healing emotions, hope for the future, and for fear NOT to take root in your hearts. Please let me know if there's anything else I can pray for or do for you. I understand your pain and I'm so sorry.
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