So Brandon has still been job hunting, and he got an interview with a company for tomorrow morning. Right before he got the call about the interview, his boss at the job he is at right now said that he had to decrease his hours, which is not what we were expecting.
As we were discussing the situation last night, Brandon made the comment that his interview seems to be coming "just in time." In the mean time, we have found an awesome apartment that is in the same complex as some of our best friends! We are so excited about it, but this also means that we will be married before we know it and payments will have to be made.
Brandon's comment made us both stop mid conversation as we realized that none of this is "just in time", but it is in the Lord's perfect timing and in His perfect plan. So instead of feeling rushed and frustrated about the job situation we felt a great peace remembering that God has His hand upon us and this situation, and He will take care of us. It was a great reminder of who God is and it gave us great joy last night. He lead us here and we are confident that He will lead us through it all.
Susannah Spurgeon also has comforting words:
'Thy will be done.' (Matt 6:10) This resting in the will of God is one of the most comforting and blessed experiences of the Christian Life. To say, 'Thy will be done' - not in a reluctant or compulsory way, as if we were shrinking from some inevitable pain, but with a sincere and glad conviction that our dear father is really doing for us what is best and most loving, although it may not look so to our dull eyes - this is glorifying to him, and supremely consoling to us."
Please help us in praying that the right door will open and that we will follow in the wisdom of the Lord in this time!
If No One Seeks God, How Is Anyone Saved?
19 hours ago
I am praying! Today was actually a day of prayer on classes, just time of prayer! Perfect timing if you ask me!
Hey guys! Prayed for you guys today. How'd the interview go for Brandon yesterday? Great words by SS too.
Hey thanks Bryce, the interview went amazing for anyone who wants to know. It could not have gone better. I was able to say exactly what I thought was best to say, and I was even able to wow him by the reseaerch I had done of the company and what I had retained, so overall an amazing experience, and I will find more out on Monday!
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